Creating first section

After installing Awes-io you can create your first section.

Sections are main building blocks for a project based on Awes-io platform. Let's create one and inspect its directory structure.

To generate new section we can use awes-io/generator package and its Artisan command:

php artisan make:section Leads

This command will place new controller, model, repository and resource classes within your app/Sections/Leads directory. As well as index blade template in resources/views/sections/leads.

In order to get a complete working section, we also need to define basic routes to controller actions like so:

// routes/web.php
Route::namespace('\App\Sections\Leads\Controllers')->prefix('leads')->group(function () {
    Route::get('/', 'LeadController@index')->name('leads.index');
    Route::get('scope', 'LeadController@scope')->name('leads.scope');

And migration for new leads table:

// database/migrations/XXXX_XX_XX_XXXXXX_create_leads_table.php
Schema::create('leads', function (Blueprint $table) {

After migrating, we can finally access new section on localhost/leads and see basic UI:

Note that, new localization file will also be created within the resources/lang directory, thanks to the awes-io/localization-helper package, which we'll discuss later.


Let's check out the newly generated controller. It includes several methods, firstly constructor, in which repository instance is injected (more on this later):

public function __construct(LeadRepository $leads)
    $this->leads = $leads;

Index method, where auto-generated blade template, as well as page title and all records, are returned:

public function index(Request $request)
    return view('sections.leads.index', [
        'h1' => _p('pages.leads.h1', 'leads'),
        'leads' => $this->scope($request)->response()->getData()

_p($file_key, $default, $placeholders) is a helper function from our localization package, more info is available in documentation.

And scope method, which is used to retrieve, filter and sort leads records (more on this later):

public function scope(Request $request)
    return Lead::collection(

Here we're also paginating results and transforming response data via auto-generated API resource class.


Lead model class is pretty simple, all we have is $orderable property, where we add all attributes we want to sort our records by. We'll discuss sorting later, but more info can be found in awes-io/repository package documentation

public $orderable = [];


App\Sections\Leads\Repositories\LeadRepository class includes $searchable property and entity() method, which returns full repository model class name.

protected $searchable = [];

public function entity()
    return Lead::class;

We will discuss repositories and their filtering and ordering features later in detail. All documentation on this topic is available here

API resource

App\Sections\Leads\Resources\Lead is just a basic Eloquent API Resource


Auto-generated index template is located in resources/views/sections/leads diretory. It extends main layout of awes-io/indigo-layout package which contains useful styles and blade components for fast building of responsive and stylish UI.


Next, there are meta title and description sections:

@section('meta_title', _p('pages.leads.meta_title', 'meta_title') . ' // ' . config(''))
@section('meta_description', _p('pages.leads.meta_description', 'meta_description'))

Here we can once more see how _p() helper localization function is used. The first argument is the file.key string, if we open newly created resources/lang/en/pages.php file it'll contain different translation strings:


return [
    "leads" => [
        "h1" => "leads",
        "meta_title" => "meta_title",
        "meta_description" => "meta_description",

The second argument is a default value, which will be added to the localization file if key doesn't exist. Thus, by the time the interface build process is completed, you'll have full base language file, ready for translation.

Further, in the template, we can see create_button section, which determines how the "floating" action button looks and behaves like:

    <button class="frame__header-add" @click="AWES.emit('')"><i class="icon icon-plus"></i></button>

For now, just ignore @click code, we'll explain it later. Next goes group filter component:

@filtergroup(['filter' => ['' => 'All', '1' => 'Public', '0' => 'Private'], 'variable' => 'is_public'])

If we click on one of the filters, we'll see that it modifies is_public URL's parameter to respective value. Our component tracks these changes and sends server requests to get filtered data.

In the future, you will often be able to observe similar behavior in many front-end components. All because, we have such a concept as the page's state, implemented through the GET parameters which are used to update the data based on their values. We return to this topic later when will be creating additional filters ourselves.

Moving on, we can see one more very useful component - context menu, which in this case, controls the ordering of our leads by their names.

<context-menu button-class="filter__slink" right>
    <template slot="toggler">
        <span>{{  _p('pages.filter.sort_by', 'Sort by') }}</span>
    <cm-query :param="{orderBy: 'name'}">{{ _p('', 'Name') }} &darr;</cm-query>
    <cm-query :param="{orderBy: 'name_desc'}">{{ _p('', 'Name') }} &uarr;</cm-query>

Sorting is another topic we'll analyze in the future when we build our custom filters based on repositories.

Next is the button to open main filters panel, for now, it only displays one parameter, but we'll add more, later:

<button class="filter__slink" @click="$refs.filter.toggle()">
    <i class="icon icon-filter" v-if="">
        <span class="icn-dot" v-if="$['leads']"></span>
    {{  _p('pages.filter.title', 'Filter') }}
<slide-up-down ref="filter">
    <filter-wrapper name="leads">
        <div class="grid grid-gap-x grid_forms">
            <div class="cell">
                <fb-input name="name" label="{{ _p('', 'Name') }}"></fb-input>

Further, we see the usage of one of our most powerful component - Table Builder, which powers @table blade component for easy interactive tables set up:

    'name' => 'leads',
    'row_url' => route('leads.index') . '/{id}',
    'scope_api_url' => route('leads.scope'),
    'scope_api_params' => ['orderBy', 'is_public', 'name'],
    'default_data' => $leads

And the last one is the modal window with leads creation form:

<modal-window name="leads" class="modal_formbuilder" title="Create">
    <form-builder url="" :disabled-dialog="true">
        <fb-input name="name" label="{{ _p('', 'Name') }}"></fb-input>

We'll inspect Modal Window and Form Builder components later in greater detail when we update our current project.

Let's build something new

We got a closer look at the general structure of a generated section. It's time to build something new and get into the platform's details.

Improving existing filters

Let's go back to our group filter and update it to display leads with different statuses. Firstly we need to create new migration and add the status column to our leads table:

// database/migrations/XXXX_XX_XX_XXXXXX_add_status_to_leads_table.php
Schema::table('leads', function (Blueprint $table) {

After migrating, let's add a couple of records with statuses new and closed, directly to a database table:

Now if we refresh /leads page, we'll discover that we also need to add a new column to the UI table in order to see which status each record currently have:

It's time to slightly dive into table-builder component's functionality. Firstly let's add a new status column:

<tb-column name="name" label="{{ _p('', 'Name') }}"></tb-column>
<tb-column name="status" label="{{ _p('pages.leads.table.col.status', 'Status') }}"></tb-column>

As you can see, we added a new tb-column tag. Name parameter is a key in the data object, which is just our status field name. And we're also passing new language string to a label property, as we've discussed earlier. Now if we refresh lead's page, we'll see their statuses:

Let's go back to the group filter and slightly edit it to retrieve records by status:

// @filtergroup(['filter' => ['' => 'All', '1' => 'Public', '0' => 'Private'], 'variable' => 'is_public'])
@filtergroup(['filter' => ['' => 'All', 'new' => 'New', 'closed' => 'Closed'], 'variable' => 'status'])

Normally we'd have to implement some filtering logic, but thanks to awes-io/repository package, all we need to do is to add status parameter to searchable property in App\Sections\Leads\Repositories\LeadRepository:

protected $searchable = ['status'];

and add status to @table's scope_api_params property (this will allow the component to track any changes in the parameter's value and handle them respectively):

    // 'scope_api_params' => ['orderBy', 'is_public', 'name'],
    'scope_api_params' => ['orderBy', 'is_public', 'name', 'status'],

now if we click on filter option, request with status parameter will be sent to the server and repository package will filter data and return it for table-builder to render:

It's that easy, more info on filtering can be found in awes-io/repository documentation.

Implementing new filters

We've updated the existing filter, but what if we want to build a custom filter of some kind for our lead management UI?

We have the option to search leads by their names, but the filter doesn't work, let's fix this:

All we need to do is to add name parameter to $searchable property in App\Sections\Leads\Repositories\LeadRepository and in this case we need to use like operator:

protected $searchable = [
    'name' => 'like'

Now let's add a new filtering option by status. Firstly we need to set up an additional input field in resources/views/sections/leads/index.blade.php template:

<fb-input name="name" label="{{ _p('', 'Name') }}"></fb-input>
<fb-input name="status" label="{{ _p('pages.leads.filter.status', 'Status') }}"></fb-input>

And because we're tracking changes in status parameter already:

'scope_api_params' => ['orderBy', 'is_public', 'name', 'status'],

and we've added it to repository searchable property earlier:

protected $searchable = [
    'name' => 'like'

Everything should work as intended:

New sorting

What about sorting? We have an option to sort leads by names, let's make it work. Again all we need to do is to add name parameter to model's $orderable property and repository package will do the rest:

// App\Sections\Leads\Models\Lead
public $orderable = ['name'];

Now let's add sorting by a lead's status right into a table column. Firstly update index template:

<!-- <tb-column name="status" label="{{ _p('pages.leads.table.col.status', 'Status') }}"></tb-column> -->
<tb-column name="status" label="{{ _p('pages.leads.table.col.status', 'Status') }}" sort></tb-column>

as you can see we've added sort property to a respective table column, this will enable sorting controls:

To make them work, we need to add status parameter to $orderable model property:

public $orderable = ['name', 'status'];

That's it, it just works:

If you want to add a new sorting option to Sort by drop-down menu, it's very simple:

<cm-query :param="{orderBy: 'name_desc'}">{{ _p('', 'Name') }} &uarr;</cm-query>
<cm-query :param="{orderBy: 'status'}">{{ _p('pages.leads.filter.status', 'Status') }} &darr;</cm-query>
<cm-query :param="{orderBy: 'status_desc'}">{{ _p('pages.leads.filter.status', 'Status') }} &uarr;</cm-query>

Creating new leads

What if we need to create a new record? If you click the yellow action button, a new modal window will open, let's update it so we can create new leads.

For now, all we have is one input field for a name. We can add one more for status:

<!-- index.blade.php -->
<form-builder url="" :disabled-dialog="true">
    <fb-input name="name" label="{{ _p('', 'Name') }}"></fb-input>
    <fb-input name="status" label="{{ _p('pages.leads.modal_add.status', 'Status') }}"></fb-input>

And specify a route, to store data:

<!-- <form-builder url="" :disabled-dialog="true"> -->
<form-builder url="{{ route('') }}" :disabled-dialog="true">

Of course, we also need to add it to web.php file:

Route::namespace('\App\Sections\Leads\Controllers')->prefix('leads')->group(function () {
    Route::post('/', 'LeadController@store')->name('');

As well as a respective method in LeadController (we'll keep things as simple as possible and ignore validation, notifications, and other good stuff, for now):

public function store(Request $request)

And column names into $fillable model's property:

public $fillable = ['name', 'status'];

We can now create new leads, but it'd be really helpful if the table could refresh its content. To achieve that, we need to handle a successful response. All we have to do is to emit an event and the table will auto-refresh after creating a new record.

<!-- <form-builder url="{{ route('') }}" :disabled-dialog="true"> -->
<form-builder url="{{ route('') }}" :disabled-dialog="true" @sended="AWES.emit('content::leads:update')">

Customizing table & updating existing leads

At last, we want to implement something fun and really useful. How about modifying our table and creating a new modal window to update any of our leads data. Let's add new menu to each table row, with edit lead item:

<tb-column name="status" label="{{ _p('pages.leads.table.col.status', 'Status') }}" sort></tb-column>
<tb-column name="">
    <template slot-scope="d">
        <context-menu right boundary="table">
            <cm-button @click="AWES._store.commit('setData', {param: 'editLead', data:}); AWES.emit('modal::edit-lead:open')">
                {{ _p('pages.leads.table.options.edit', 'Edit') }}

And new modal window:


<modal-window name="edit-lead" class="modal_formbuilder" title="{{ _p('pages.leads.modal.edit_lead.title', 'Edit lead') }}">
    <form-builder method="PATCH" url="/leads/{id}" store-data="editLead" @sended="AWES.emit('content::leads:update')">
        <fb-input name="name" label="{{ _p('', 'Name') }}"></fb-input>
        <fb-input name="status" label="{{ _p('pages.leads.modal_add.status', 'Status') }}"></fb-input>

Now if we click on the 'Edit' menu item in any table row, modal window with respective data will open:

It remains only to add a new update method to the controller and new PATCH route:

public function update(Request $request, $id)
    $this->leads->update($request->all(), $id);
Route::namespace('\App\Sections\Leads\Controllers')->prefix('leads')->group(function () {
    Route::patch('/{id}', 'LeadController@update')->name('leads.update');

Additional features

Just to make things even more interesting, let's update our project with some easy-to-use features available in platform out-of-box.

Validation errors

It's always helpful to display validation errors if any does occur. This functionality is also supported by our platform.

Let's create a form request class using Artisan command:

php artisan make:request '\App\Sections\Leads\Requests\StoreLead'

Add some basic validation rules into it:

return [
    'name' => 'required|string|max:255',
    'status' => 'required|string|max:255',

And type-hint it into the controller's store method:

use App\Sections\Leads\Requests\StoreLead;
public function store(StoreLead $request)

That's all, now any validation errors will be displayed:
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