The <table-builder> Component

It is a component of dynamic tables. It uses the global Vuex store. Below you will see a visual presentation of this component.


Example of using the component

<content-wrapper :default="['One', 'Two', 'Three']">
    <table-builder slot-scope="table" :default=""></table-builder>

Component properties

Name Type Default Description
default Array, Object undefined Data for displaying
list-class String int-table__list CSS class for wrapper, while rendering table as a list
list-row-class String int-table__list-row CSS class for row, while rendering table as a list
row-url String undefined Address for transition when clicking on a row. It could be a template like http://some.url/{id}, where id will be replaced with the id variable from row data, thus every row may have it's own url to redirect
row-click Function redirect to row-url By default, click on a table row redirects window to url, provided in 'row-url' prop. You may overwrite this behaviour. In this function this refers to window
media-queries Object <MQDefault> Object of media expressions for displaying cells

 * @typedef {Object.<string>} MQDefault
 * Each key of the object is a key for `media` property in <tb-column>
 * Each value should be a valid `mediaQueryString` for window.matchMedia

 * @property AWES_CONFIG.tableBuilder.mediaQueries {MQDefault}
 * Default config

const AWES_CONFIG = {
    tableBuilder: {
        mediaQueries: {
            mobile: '(max-width: 600px)',
            tablet: '(min-width: 601px) and (max-width: 900px)',
            desktop: '(min-width: 901px)'

Component slots

Default slot

By default, the slot only accepts the <tb-column> components to which row data is transferred for displaying. Below you can find the HTML layout of this component.

        {name:'First', email:'[email protected]'},
        {name: 'Second', email: '[email protected]'}
    <table-builder slot-scope="table" :default="">
        <!-- Everything, except <tb-column>, will be skipped -->
        <h2>Will not render</h2>

        <!-- The content of the transferred data will be displayed by the column name -->
        <tb-column name="name"></tb-column>

        <!-- Change a heading in the header and the markup within the cell -->
        <tb-column name="email" label="Super Email">
            <template slot-scope="col">
                <a :href="'mailto:' +">{{ }}</a>

        <!-- Create a service column -->
        <tb-column name="no-field" label="">
            <template slot-scope="col">
                <button>Kill {{ }}</button>

Will not render

Slot of the list output

        {name:'First', email:'[email protected]'},
        {name: 'Second', email: '[email protected]'}
    <table-builder slot-scope="table" :default="">
        <template slot="list" slot-scope="l">
            {{ l.index + 1 }} <strong>{{}}</strong> {{}}

By default, the following data are transferred to the slot with the restricted visibility scope:

Name Type Description
data any All data for the current row
index Number Row index, starting from 0
tableData Array All data of the table

Slot of the hidden column

By default, all columns hidden on the current screen resolution are displayed in the form of a list.

        {name:'First', email:'[email protected]'},
        {name: 'Second', email: '[email protected]'}
    <table-builder slot-scope="table" :default="">
        <tb-column name="name" label="Super Name"></tb-column>

        <!-- visible only on the desktop -->
        <tb-column name="email" media="desktop">
            <template slot-scope="col">
                <a :href="'mailto:' +">{{ }}</a>

If additional stylization is needed, please use the hidden slot.

        {name:'First', email:'[email protected]'},
        {name: 'Second', email: '[email protected]'}
    <table-builder slot-scope="table" :default="">
        <tb-column name="name" label="Super Name"></tb-column>

        <!-- visible only on the desktop -->
        <tb-column name="email" media="desktop">
            <template slot-scope="col">
                <a :href="'mailto:' +">{{ }}</a>

        <!-- your own markup for the hidden column -->
        <template slot="hidden" slot-scope="m">
                <h4 v-if="m.matchedMedia.includes('mobile')">Mobile-only heading</h4>
                Email: <a :href="'mailto:' + ">{{ }}</a>

The following data are transferred to the slot of the hidden column with the restricted visibility scope:

Name Type Description
data Object All row data
hidden-data Object Data hidden from the current row
index Number Row index, starting from 0
matchedMedia Array Current matches of media expressions

Header and footer slots (from v.1.0.11)

Add static content before and after table

        {name:'First', email:'[email protected]'},
        {name: 'Second', email: '[email protected]'},
        {name: 'Third', email: '[email protected]'}
    <table-builder slot-scope="table" :default="">
        <template slot="header">
            <h3>Employees list</h3>
        <template slot="list" slot-scope="l">
            {{ l.index + 1 }} <strong>{{}}</strong> {{}}
        <template slot="footer">
            <p><button>Add<button> one more employee</p>
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