The <paginate-builder> Component


It is a component of dynamic forms. It uses the global Vuex store.

Example of using the component

<paginate-builder :meta="{current_page: 1, from: 1, last_page: 12, path: 'https:\/\/\/example-package', per_page: 15, to: 12, total: 12}"></paginate-builder>

Component properties

Name Type Default Description
meta Object undefined Pagination data
scroll-to String 'body' Element to be scrolled to after you go

Data format for the pagination

    "current_page": 1,
    "data": [],
    "from": 1,
    "per_page": 15,
    "to": 12,
    "total": 12

Scrolling to the element after changing data

By default, after switching of pagination, the page is scrolled up (in the body body element) in 200 milliseconds.

Globally, for all tables

    <!-- config -->
        const AWES_CONFIG = {
            key: 'YOUR API KEY',
            tableBuilder: {
                scrollTo: '#frame__content', // CSS selector used in document.querySelector
                scrollDuration: 300 // milliseconds, this value is configured only globally for all tables

For a separate table (only the element to which you scroll)

<paginate-builder scroll-to="#my-element"></paginate-builder>

How to disable scrolling

<!-- globally -->
    <!-- config -->
        const AWES_CONFIG = {
            key: 'YOUR API KEY',
            tableBuilder: {
                scrollTo: false

<!-- locally -->
<paginate-builder :scroll-to="false"></paginate-builder>
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