Blade components

Ready-to-use Blade components and directives.


Card Line Chart


    'parameters' => ['query_variable'],
    'api_url' => '<!-- link to API -->'

Configuration Options

Name Type Default Description
parameters array The user-defined array of query string parameters for filtering. The compiled query will be sent to API endpoint.
api_url string The endpoint to get data for a chart. The data should be in chart.js format. To prepare the data please use awes-io/reporter package.
name string optional Name of the element. if not exist, will be a random string.
read_more array null Read more button. The array has to variables (next 2 lines). string null or required if read_more is not null Text of the button.
read_more.url string null or required if read_more is not null URL of the button.
title string null Title text on the chart.
label string null Lable text on the chart.
value string null Large text on top of the chart.
filter array null The array for filtering of the chart. If the array exists component will connect another component Group Filter. Format: [value => text]. Example: [7 => 'Week', 30 => 'Month']
filter_variable string null or required if filter is not null Default variable for Group Filter
filter_default string null Default value for Group Filter
color string grey One color from prepared color's list. Available colors: light-blue, blue, dark-blue, violet, pink, yellow, orange, red, green. For random color please use *. Change the colors you can at the indigo config.

Card Doughnut Chart


    'parameters' => ['query_variable'],
    'api_url' => '<!-- link to API -->'

Configuration Options

Name Type Default Description
parameters array The user-defined array of query string parameters for filtering. The compiled query will be sent to API endpoint.
api_url string The endpoint to get data for a chart. The data should be in chart.js format. To prepare the data please use awes-io/reporter package.

Default Chart


    'parameters' => ['query_variable'],
    'api_url' => '<!-- link to API -->'

Configuration Options

Name Type Default Description
parameters array optional The user-defined array of query string parameters for filtering. The compiled query will be sent to API endpoint.
api_url string optional The endpoint to get data for a chart. The data should be in chart.js format. To prepare the data please use awes-io/reporter package.
name string optional Name of the element. if not exist, will be a random string.
type string line Type of the chart. Available parameters your can check on chartjs documentation.
default_data array null Array with default data object.

Mixed Bar-Line Chart


    '$default_data' => $data

Configuration Options

Name Type Default Description
parameters array optional The user-defined array of query string parameters for filtering. The compiled query will be sent to API endpoint.
api_url string optional The endpoint to get data for a chart. The data should be in chart.js format. To prepare the data please use awes-io/reporter package.
name string optional Name of the element. if not exist, will be a random string.
type string line Type of the chart. Available parameters your can check on chartjs documentation.
default_data array null Array with default data object.

Group Filter


@filtergroup(['filter' => [7 => 'Week', 30 => 'Month'], 'variable' => 'period', 'default' => 30])

Configuration Options

Name Type Default Description
filter array The array to build quick filter for the page. Format: [value => label]. Example: [7 => 'Week', 30 => 'Month']
variable string The user-defined variable for query string parameter.
default string null Active element. This value will be used to enable active class for the element.



    'order_by' => ['name' => 'Name']
        @filtergroup(['filter' => ['' => 'All', '1' => 'Public', '0' => 'Private'], 'variable' => 'is_public'])
    <fb-input name="name" label="Name"></fb-input>

Configuration Options

Name Type Default Description
order_by array The array to build "Order by" context menu for the page. Format: [value => label]. Example: ['updated_at' => 'Updated']


Name Type Default Description
slot string null Add an HTML to main filter block. You can use all elements of form-builder
quick_filter string null Add an HTML to quick filter block. Items are displayed on the left. You can use the @filtergroup component



    'scope_api_url' => '<!-- link to API -->'
    <tb-column name="name" label="Name"></tb-column>
    <tb-column name="created_at" label="Created At" media="desktop"></tb-column> <!-- will be hidden on mobile -->

Configuration Options

Name Type Default Description
scope_api_url string optional The endpoint to get data for a table. Will ignore if pagination is false.
scope_api_params array ['page', 'limit'] The user-defined array of query string parameters for filtering. The compiled query will be sent to API endpoint. Provided array will be merged with default ones.
name string optional Name of the element. if not exist, will be a random string.
default_data array null Array with default data object.
store_data string optional Name of storage in Vue.js. if not exist, will be a random string.
scroll_to bool true Scrool up after click to pagination
row_url string optional The link by click of row element in the table.
pagination bool true Will be shown the pagination or not.
class string null The CSS class for table tag. Use this for formating into list style.
row_class string null The CSS class for row inside of the table. Use this field for formatting into list style.


Name Type Default Description
mobile string null Customization of mobile responsive slider.
list string null A custom list style item.
errorCard string null Add a HTML to info block if the Internet connection is broken.
emptyCard string null Add a HTML is the table is empty.

Slots Usage

Slot mobile

    'scope_api_url' => '<!-- link to API -->'
    <tb-column name="name" label="Name"></tb-column>
    <tb-column name="created_at" label="Created At" media="desktop"></tb-column> <!-- will be hidden on mobile -->
        <p>Created At: @{{ }}</p>

Slot list

    'default_data' => ['name' => '', 'description' => ''],
    'class' => 'grid',
    'row_class' => 'cell-1-3 cell-1-2--dxl cell-1-1--tsm'
        <div class="card box-post">
            <div class="grid grid-justify-between grid-nowrap grid-wrap--mmd text-center--mmd">
                <div class="cell-1-1"><a class="box-post__title h2" :href="#">@{{ }}</a>
                    <p v-if="" class="m-0">@{{ }}</p>

Slot errorCard

    'scope_api_url' => '<!-- link to API -->'
    <tb-column name="name" label="Name"></tb-column>
    <tb-column name="created_at" label="Created At" media="desktop"></tb-column> <!-- will be hidden on mobile -->
        <a href="#" class="btn mt-20">Homepage</a>

Slot emptyCard

    'scope_api_url' => '<!-- link to API -->'
    <tb-column name="name" label="Name"></tb-column>
    <tb-column name="created_at" label="Created At" media="desktop"></tb-column> <!-- will be hidden on mobile -->
        <a href="#" class="btn mt-20">Create a record</a>

Search form

Search form is a &lt;filter-wrapper&gt; component with additional CSS-class for stylization.

Basic markup

<filter-wrapper class="is-search" send-text="Search">
    <fb-input name="query" placeholder="Search"></fb-input>

To create a live submitting form, add an auto-submit prop. This will also hide form buttons.

By default all input elements send value with 300ms debounce. This value is controlled on the &lt;fb-input&gt; component

<filter-wrapper class="is-search" send-text="Search" auto-submit>
    <fb-input name="query" placeholder="Search" :debounce="1000"></fb-input>
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