The <fb-textarea> Component

This is a text area component. When filling in the text area, it will automatically increase its height.

This component can be located within the <form-builder> component, then it requires name property, or it can be used with v-model Vue directive. Below, you will see a text area field in different states and its display style.




<form-builder url="/api-url">
    <fb-textarea name="first_name" label="Enter your name"></fb-textarea>

Component properties

Name Type Default Description
name String undefined Field identifier in the data object
id Number undefined Sequence number within the <fb-multi-block> component
label String '' Text in the <label> element
fixsize Boolean false Disable automatic height change
enter-skip Boolean false Skip field when switching by the enter button
focus Boolean false Set focus on this field when loading a page
debounce Number 300 Timout before saving data to store on user input
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