The <fb-select> Component

This component is intended to select one or more options from a list of options. The vue-multiselect component is used within it.

It can be located within the <form-builder> component, then it requires a name property, or it can be used with a v-model Vue directive

The component is visualized as follows:




<form-builder url="/api-url">
        label="Select options"
        :select-options="[{name: 'Option 1', value:'option_1'}, {name: 'Option 2', value:'option_2'}]"

Component properties

Name Type Default Description
name String undefined Field identifier in the data object
id Number undefined Sequence number within the <fb-multi-block> component
label String '' Text in the <label> element
select-options Array [] Items array. If the value type is String, then it's treated like an url for AJAX-select
url String undefined Url for AJAX options
options-name String 'name' A key of select's &lt;option&gt; text
options-value String 'value' A key of select's &lt;option&gt; value attribute
multiple Boolean true You can select multiple items
taggable Boolean false Ability to add new values by typing in search field
placeholder-text String 'Pick a value' Text when no item is selected
debounce String, Number 1000 AJAX-request debounce on user input
auto-fetch String, Boolean false Fetch AJAX-options before user starts typing. If a string is provided, it will be injected into AJAX-url template
enter-skip Boolean false Skip field when switching by the enter button
focus Boolean false Set focus on this field when loading a page

Items array

<!-- with default keys -->
<fb-select select-options="[
    {name: 'Item 1', value: 'val1'},
    {name: 'Item 2', value: 'val2'},
    {name: 'Item 3', value: 'val3'}

<!-- with custom keys (one or both) -->
<fb-select options-name="label" options-value="val" select-options="[
    {label: 'Item 1', val: 'val1'},
    {label: 'Item 2', val: 'val2'},
    {label: 'Item 3', val: 'val3'}

AJAX select

<form-builder url="/api-url">
    <fb-select name="select" label="Select option" url="/api-url/search?q=%s"></fb-select>

The component may get it's options asyncronously via GET-request if the select-options property is a String.

If you need to filter values depending on user input, you may pass a template to select-options property, where %s will be replaced with non-escaped input text.

By default, options will not be auto fetched from api url. To enable auto fetching, provide auto-fetch prop. You may also inject default value in api url template, like this:

<fb-select name="select" label="Select option" url="/api-url/search?q=%s" auto-fetch="all"></fb-select>
<!-- on initial render, select will get options from /api-url/search?q=all -->

Default select options could be combined with AJAX options

<fb-select name="numbers" label="Select option" select-options="['one', 'two']" url="/other-numbers?q=%s"></fb-select>
<!-- on initial render, select will get options from /api-url/search?q=all -->
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