The <fb-radio-group> Component

Using this component, you can create a group of radio buttons. It can be located within the <form-builder> component, then it requires name property, or it can be used with v-model Vue directive. The example below shows several different groups of radio buttons which you can customize at your own discretion.




<form-builder url="/api-url">
        label="Choose option"
        :items="[{name: 'Option 1', value:'option_1'}, {name: 'Option 2', value:'option_2'}]"

@vue @endvue

Component properties

Name Type Default Description
name String undefined Field identifier in the data object
id Number undefined Sequence number within the <fb-multi-block> component
label String '' Text in the <label> element
items Array undefined Array of radio buttons
box Boolean false It adds classes for styling with a frame
enter-skip Boolean false Skip field when switching by the enter button
focus Boolean false Set focus on this field when loading a page
disabled Boolean, String false true to disable all inputs, or string value of disabled input, or comma-separated values of multiple inputs

Array of radio buttons

There are two options for displaying the items array:

const items = ['Item 1', 'Item 2', 'Item 3']
// In such case, we will get radio buttons with the same `<label>` and `value`

const items = [
    {name: 'Item 1', value: 'val1'},
    {name: 'Item 2', value: 'val2'},
    {name: 'Item 3', value: 'val3'}
// In such case, the text within the `<label>` element is equal to `name`
// and the `value` attribute is equal to `value`

@vue @endvue

Styling of the radio button

Using the slot, by default, you can style the appearance of buttons. Please use the following HTML code snippet to customize your buttons:

<form-builder url="/api-url">
        label="Customized options"
            {heading: 'Heading 1', subtitle: 'Subtitle 1', value: 1},
            {heading: 'Heading 2', subtitle: 'Subtitle 2', value: 2},
        <template slot-scope="radio">
            <span class="my-box">
                    :class="['my-box__heading', {'is-checked': radio.checked, 'is-focused': radio.focused}]"
                >{{ radio.heading }}</span>
                <em class="my-box__subtitle">{{ radio.subtitle }}</em>

The following variables are passed to the slot:

Name Type Description
item Object The current item of the items array
checked Boolean It indicates whether the button is checked
focused Boolean The focus is set on this button
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