The <fb-date> Component

It is a date and time field component. For selecting a period, please use the Date range component It can be located within the <form-builder> component or used with v-model directive and can be visualized as follows:


The component uses Tiny Date Picker internally to render calendar



<form-builder url="/api-url">
    <fb-date name="date" label="Pick a date"></fb-date>

Component properties

Name Type Default Description
name String undefined Field identifier in the data object
id Number undefined Sequence number within the <fb-multi-block> component
label String '' Text in the <label> element
min String, Number, Object calculated according to yearRange prop and current date Minimal selectable date
max String, Number, Object calculated according to yearRange prop and current date Maximal selectable date
year-range Number 4 Max year offset back and forth from current day, if min or max is not provided
day-offset Number 1 Set this to 0 for Sunday. 1 is for Monday
value String undefined Selected date (only stringified Date object)
time-range Boolean, Object true See time range props
format String 'MM/DD/YYYY' or 'MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm' with time range Date format for input field
disabled Boolean, Array false Boolean to disable whole field and Array of dates to disable specific date
lang Object see lang object Language strings for current instance. Will be merged with defaults

Every date property, i. e. min, max, and items in disabled array could be an ISO date string, timestamp or Date object - everything that Date.parse() method accepts.

The value property could only be a date in ISO String format

Time range propertires

Name Type Default Description
min String '00:00' Minimal time to start the range from, 24 format only
max String undefined Max value in 24h format, including itself, not more than '23:59'
step String, Number 30 Range step in minutes
disabled Boolean, Array false true to not render time range, or Array of specific intervals

Every time value is a 24-hour formatted String.

Don't forget leading zeros, '5:00' is incorrect. Correct one is '05:00'

To set time, it should be passed to the value prop of fb-

Usage examples

Picking specific interval

<form-builder url="">

    <!-- setting min and max dates -->
    <fb-date name="date-minmax" label="Pick a date" min="2019-05-09" max="2019-06-20" value="2019-05-20"></fb-date>

    <!-- disabling specific dates -->
    <fb-date name="date-disabled" label="Pick a date" min="2019-05-09" max="2019-06-20" value="2019-05-20" :disabled="['2019-05-22', '2019-05-23']"></fb-date>


Configuring time range

<form-builder url="">

    <!-- not rendered entirely -->
    <fb-date name="no-time" label="No time" :time-range="false"></fb-date>

    <!-- configuring time range -->
    <fb-date name="time-minmax" label="Configured time range" :time-range="{min: '09:00', max: '10:20', step: 10}"></fb-date>

    <!-- setting specific time buttons to disabled state -->
    <fb-date name="time-disabled" label="Disabled time" :time-range="{ disabled: ['09:30', '10:00'] }"></fb-date>

    <!-- setting time on current date (only stringified date is accepted) -->
    <fb-date name="time-selected" label="Selected time" :value="new Date(new Date().setHours(9, 30)).toUTCString()" :time-range="{min: '08:00'}"></fb-date>


Lang object

    lang: {
            // here are the default values
            days: ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'],
            months: [
            today: 'Today',
            close: 'Close'
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