The <fb-company-slug> Component

It is a component for converting text into URL (It uses the urlify library).

It can be located within the <form-builder> component, or can be used with v-model directive. You may provide a string from other form-builder text field to transform to subdomain with an input property

This component visually looks like:



Example of using the component

<form-builder url="/api-url">
    <template slot-scope="fields">
        <fb-input name="company" label="Enter company name"></fb-input>
        <fb-company-slug name="slug" input="fields['company']"></fb-company-slug>

@vue @endvue

Component properties

Name Type Default Description
name String undefined Field identifier in the data object
id Number undefined Sequence number within the <fb-multi-block> component
label String '' Text in the <label> element
domain String '' Main domain
input String undefined String to transofm into subdomain
maxlength Number 32 Maximum length of the subdomain
enter-skip Boolean false Skip field when switching by the enter button
focus Boolean false Set focus on this field when loading a page
debounce Number 0 Timout before saving data to store on user input

Component features

Component configuration

To override the default settings, please override them in AWES_CONFIG.

// Here are the default settings
const AWES_CONFIG = {
    companySlug: {
        domain: '',
        length: 32,
        // Settings of the urlify library, read more here
        ulrifyOptions: {
            spaces: '-',
            toLower: true,
            trim: true,
            addEToUmlauts: true,
            nonPrintable: '',
            failureOutput: ''
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